Homework – 3rd Grade


Monday, September 30th

Reading-  Test Thursday( A Mountain of History)

Spelling- Test Friday

Voyage- HW pg 2`1

Math- pg 117-118

Health- Quiz lesson 3 Friday


Wednesday, October 2nd

Reading-  Test Thursday( A Mountain of History)

Spelling- Test Friday


Math- Test Chapter 2 Friday

Health- Quiz lesson 3 Friday






































































































Homework – 3rd Grade2024-10-02T15:17:31-04:00

Teacher Biography

3rd Grade
Morgan Allman

Mrs. Morgan Allman

Hello! I am honored to be teaching 3rd grade at OLP for my fifth year. I graduated from West Liberty State College (as it was then called) with a degree in Education and a minor in Pre-K. I taught Pre-K for a year and a half until I had my first child. I have substituted for Marshall County Schools and worked for WV Birth to Three Program for four years.

I have been married to my husband, Zack, for thirteenth years. We have 2 wonderful boys, Brody and Ruxin, both of whom are now students here at Our Lady of Peace.

Each year is truly a blessing to be able to teach the children of OLP as well as learn from them. I try to help the children experience things through hands-on activities, as well as learn from the book.


Teacher Biography2023-08-30T08:42:20-04:00


3rd Grade Subjects/ Textbooks

McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop

McGraw-Hill – My Math

Harcourt Language Arts

Harcourt – Our Communities (Social Studies)

Harcourt  Science

RCL Benziger Faith First – Religion


Large book sox fit all books.


Summer Reading & Math Work


3rd Grade
Summer Reading and Math Work

Each student is required to read two books over the summer. One is assigned below and the other will be picked from the summer reading list. If they do not choose one from the list, they may select another age-appropriate book. The student’s book choice must be one they have not previously read. The student is to fill out the book report form given in the packet. They will need to fill this out for both books.

I have chosen the book The Miniature World of Marvin and James by Elis and Broach for the class to read over the summer. If you feel this book is too difficult for them to read on their own, please feel free to read it with him/her. When we return to school, we will review the book and the students will take a test on the book.
Students are also required to complete the Summer Math Packet. These practice worksheets will help keep math skills sharp over the summer.

This Reading and Math packet is to be completed and turned in on Covenant Night.

Have a wonderful summer!
Mrs. Hunnell

Summer Reading & Math Work2024-07-17T16:29:54-04:00

3rd Grade Supply List

3rd Grade Supply List
• Backpack
• 2 -pocket folders
• 4- 1 subject spiral notebook
• 1- package loose leaf wide rule paper
• 1- seat sack
• 4- book covers
• #2 pencils
• Crayons (24count max)
• Colored pencils
• Washable markers
• 2- glue sticks
• Scissors
• 1- highlighter
• Soft pencil case (no big boxes or storage containers, I will provide a container for the extra supplies)
• 3- boxes of tissues
• 1- package of latex free bandages
• Headphones…… These will move with your child from grade to grade.
Art Class Supplies
• 1- Fine point black Sharpie

3rd Grade Supply List2024-07-17T16:25:49-04:00
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