1 scientific calculator with fraction to decimal key (Texas Instrument TI 30X is recommended)
composition notebook
1 5-subject notebook for homework
4 dry erase markers (NO RED)
2 dry erasers
metric ruler
Loose leaf paper- to be left in the accordion folder
Accordion style file folder with 8-10 pockets (plastic)
Book bag / backpack
Book Sox (6-8)
Glue – school and tacky
Pencil bag, not box
2 boxes tissues
1 roll of paper towels
2 containers of wet wipes (such as Clorox wipes – 1 for classroom, 1 for Science Lab)
Colored pencils, crayons, and highligters
Headphones will be used in the computer lab. These will move with your student from grade to grade – do not send in new set if you sent in previous years. Headphones are to be kept in a plastic zip lock bag with student’s name on it